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Solid Color Mustard Yellow Matching Family Pajama Set

The Matching Family Solid Mustard Yellow pajama set will make any household feel even more content, while also providing an awesome look. Parents and kids are sure to love matching with each other for a special photoshoot, and can look forward to the comfy 100% cotton material. For the men and women, their pajama set consists of a long sleeve slim fitting outfit with an elastic waistband to provide a breathable feel at the hips. For extra comfort while lounging, there are also ribbed cuffs at the wrists and ankles. Our kids' pajamas have a long-sleeved set as well, or a one-piece zip-up with Leveret footed grips to keep little ones secure and warm. As an added precaution against any possible fire hazards, all child pajamas are designed to be snug-fitting. Tagless labels on all products will be sure to provide no scratches on any exposed skin. Any holiday will be perfect for the Matching Family Solid Mustard Yellow pajamas, and every member of the house is sure to look festive and comfy!

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STEP 2: Select Pajama SetClear
STEP 3: Choose Color & Size SIZE CHARTClear
Kids Moon Pajamas
$19.99 $19.99

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Maecenas aliquet erat eget enim aliquam, sed commodo arcu egestas.

Suspendisse non tortor tortor.

Nunc condimentum quis tortor rhoncus auctor.

Kids Moon Pajamas
$19.99 $19.99

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Maecenas aliquet erat eget enim aliquam, sed commodo arcu egestas.

Suspendisse non tortor tortor.

Nunc condimentum quis tortor rhoncus auctor.

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