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Red & Green Matching Family Pajama Set
As the Christmas season draws closer, it’s the ideal time for the whole family to look festive with the Matching Red & Green Pajamas set. An option is available for everyone from parents to pets, and this holiday season will be memorable unlike any other. Product designs consist of Christmas-themed red and green stripes or flannel designs, with everything being made of cotton or fleece material. The adult pajamas consist of flannels and slim fitted pajamas, some with ribbed cuffs at the ankles and wrists. Its elastic waistbands add to the overall comfort as well for either lounging or sleeping. With our children’s products, some feature a one-piece zip-up set or matching girl and doll pajamas. Every option is not only cozy but is specially made to be snug fitting to protect them against any potential fire dangers. All pajamas even implement tagless labels to prevent any exposed skin from being scratched. With the holiday seasons and festivities coming soon, the Matching Red & Green Pajamas will perfectly match any family together for a memorable event!